Class DynamicSizeAroundCodec<T, TParseInput, TInner, TInnerParseInput>Internal

Type Parameters

  • T

  • TParseInput

  • TInner

  • TInnerParseInput

Hierarchy (view full)



  • Export the schema of this codec and all the dependencies into the map.

    The order of the map is guaranteed that the dependency is always exported before the dependent.


    • exported: Map<string, string>

    Returns Map<string, string>


_didUnpack: ((value, buffer) => T)

Type declaration

    • (value, buffer): T
    • Parameters

      • value: TInner
      • buffer: Uint8Array

      Returns T

_dynamicSizeCodec: void = ...
_safeParse: ((input) => mol.SafeParseReturnType<T>)

Type declaration

_willPack: ((input) => TInner)

Type declaration

name: string

Name of this codec used to export .mol file.

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